Arise Women of Valor Ministries (The WOVATRAD) is a Christian, Business women and leaders founded Organization that strives to achieve lasting improvements in the lives of young people, Families, Men and Women through empowerment programs.


We Encourage, We Nurture We Equip We Empower Families and individuals to: Respond to challenges, causes and effects, Appreciate situations, Think outside box, Lead and Thrive  

Our belief:

We believe in the power and potential of every human being, male or female. But this is often suppressed by culture, exposure, ignorance, poverty, violence, exclusion and discrimination. We don't deal with just statistics, but rather with realities and experiences 

Mission, Vision and Values

Restore the Glory of a family for the development of the home, community and nation.  Isaiah 60

Unlock the potential of the families to effectively respond to their Social, Economic, Spiritual, Mental, Health and Education priorities.

Act with integrity, Show gratitude and respect. 

Humility and hunger to Improve consistently and be accountable.

Empower equip & encourage, Lead an learn to grow and Develop in prayers- Jer 33:3

Our commitments

We commit to contribute to Domestic and Gender Based Violence Free homes, schools, and communities in the country. We commit to contribute to the creation of a society that respects and is guided by Human Rights principles, on Family and Relationships, Education and Entrepreneurship, Inclusion and Participation, Accountability and Child Protection framework
We see clear links between fulfilling family rights, achieving godly and constitutional gender equality, reducing mental health and ending child poverty. Every woman, girl, man, and boy have the right to have a healthy family, to be educated, protected, valued and respected in their own family, community and beyond. We support these rights from when a woman or family comes into contact with us, till they achieve their goal. We work to ensure that families are empowered, encouraged and equipped with right skills, knowledge and confidence to respond to the challenges, causes and effects of marital, relationship and family strife. This approach inspires and empowers families to create long-lasting change. Women have the power to change the world. Our ambition is to work beside them and together we take action so families learn, decide and thrive in every condition.


Meet the real world heroes

Deborah Kirabo


Mebra Muyinza

CO-founder .

Isaiah Missinga

Chairman Board

Andrew Philip Biyinzinka 

Finance Control Director


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